Friday, February 26, 2010

Infected On The Phone

 As I was already talking about phones on the other post, here another look at our mobile friends. While classics from the last century like Final Fantasy I and II make their way to the iStore, smart phone developers prepare for a leap into the other direction. Yes. Yes, that is the future.

Apparently there was a lot going on at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Microsoft kicks their old Windows Mobile out - not that a lot of people were using it - and announced their new Windows Phone 7. Wait. I thought it was new, so why already a 7 at the end? Ridiculous you say? Why yes, it is. But a good promotion because it makes you think of Windows 7, which had quite the reputation lately.

Microsoft is somehow pulling an apple move here, though. For WinPho7 [speak: WIN, FOO'!] will come with a lot of restrictions for the phones it might run on. Well, a little compatibility is better than none I'd say, but then again we already have an iPhone. Also everyone else seems to go open source.

Google's Android is on the way into the western civilisations and has been open source from the start. According to Google, phones equipped with their little robot already sell over 60,000 copies a day in the East.

Nokia has their nice and new Maemo and we thought that would stay for a while, but BEHOLD! They dropped it. And so did Intel with the Moblin platform. Why would they do that? To collaborate with one another and mix in the Linux Foundation for their new idea: MeeGo.

What sounds like a Wii game is not only a collaboration of two (or rather three) heavy-weighters, but also a lucrative deal for smart phone developers and mobile service providers. Not only will MeeGo be very easy to handle regarding hardware restrictions, but it will come with an iStore like online store, in which not only Nokia and Intel can sell their stuff, but also providers and cell phone fabricators. With the recent sell of the 10,000,000th song on Apples iTunes and the success of their iStore I can see the dollar signs in everyones digifected eyes already! Yes, digifected. I said it.

Besides the fact that Symbian is the old market master for smart phones it's not really up to date with the others you might think, but BEHOLD! ...wait..didn't I say that before? Anyways, Symbian has made their OS completely open source and a new version 3 will probably be around later this year.

And let's not forget Bada by Samsung, which is also new and open source! Sooo...who will be the big players in the future (aka next year)?

- Googles Android (open source)

- Samsungs Bada (open source)

- Nokia/Linux/Intel's MeeGo (open source)

- Nokia/Symbian's Symbian 3 (open source)

- Apples iPhone

- Microsofts Windows Phone 7

That's a lotta open source by big players! I guess you all already know that open source is good, but if you don't: It is good.

Let's see what the zombies will go for next year...

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